Thursday, December 29, 2011

Snapshots of 2011- Human Rights

The world still seems to be an awful place from some viewpoints but you only need to move slightly to see the slow reform of the earth. Every year strengthens the cause of human rights.

A couple snapshots-
June 17, 2011: The most progressive African country on LGBT rights  ,South Africa, presented a historic UN resolution which affirmed opposition to LGBT discrimination. It got approved.

July 9, 2011: South Sudan seceded from Sudan & is the worlds newest nation. Sudan suffered civil war party due to ethnic-religious conflict.

September 20, 2011: Don't Ask Don't tell , a U.S, military policy that banned openly gay service members, was repealed after years of battles by LGBT advocates.

September 21, 2011: American Hikers, Josh Fattal & Shane Bauer, were released after two years imprisonment from Iraq. They were charged with espionage & illegal entry in Iraq. International appeals & activist helped fight for their freedom.

December 12, 2011: Three women ; Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,   Liberian women's activist Leymah Gbowee, & Yemeni human right's activist Tawakkol Karman, won the Nobel Peace Award for their tireless work in advancing human rights

December 7, 2011: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directly confronted the refusal of many nations to take action to protect gay rights at the UN with a groundbreaking speech.

2011: 'Arab spring' activists continue to support democratic reform while the 'Occupy' movement brings attention to economic equality like never before.

 The year 2011 is about to leave the door & I (along with millions) are proud of the earth's progression. Of course, the battle is far from over. Activists will ensure the realization of the full extent of human freedom for everyone till ad infinitum.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Talking animals sing 12 days of christmas!

The year 2011 is a few feet away from departure. Hopefully, 2012 will (& it will) be exciting s ever. Thank you for reading my blog & Happy holidays!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Nowledge of Fox & Friends

I don't watch Fox News sparingly. (I shouldn't if I want to stay up to-date) It's of course, often criticized by liberals to be conservatively biased & you can see why. Progressive media watchdog group Media Matters for America named one of Fox's programs , a "top misinfomer" of 2011.

Fox & Friends:
The morning talk show trio (Doocy, Carlson, & Kilmeade)have stated the Obama stimulus didn't work, & stated that that the lower half of Americans pay no taxes at all. They've accused Sponge bob of "indoctrinating" children with global warming. You got to love their constant "But it's snowing!" denial of  climate change. They love to pick at  president Obama with hyping the birth certificate issue, having a fit because he didn't "proclaim" Easter, & claiming he would've apologized to Japan for bombing Hiroshima. It's this type of misinformation that fuels a right wingers view of Obama as a socialist, commie, Kenyan, illegal, America-hating, Muslim, pig!

Their contributors & guests share a lot of their "insight" too. Legal analyst Peter Johnson decided to use the story of a 1-year old Canadian infant in a permanent coma as a soapbox to condemn Obama-care. They also hosted an anti-immigrant hate group to push the anchor baby myth. Contributor Dick Morris also promoted a petition against the ground zero mosque.

I've always though these conservative leanings would be subtle but these comedians Journalists make it as subtle as a hip-hop dancing jaguar in a retirement home. Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Have a Merry Yule!

Winter is a perfect time for holidays. We have Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, La Posada etc.
The "reason for the season" however is the the winter solstice.

As some of you likely know, winter doesn't officially begin until the winter solstice which usually falls on December 21 or 22. It's because that is the longest night of the year & after that days get longer again. Many people of different cultures noticed this. The one I'll focus & celebrate is the Wiccan Yule.

Wicca is a pagan religion in which followers are really harmonious with the earth & seek to be close to it.(more info here). Wiccans observe seasonal festivals called Sabbats & Yule is one of them.  The Great Horned god is meant to represent the newborn sun.

Things you can do to celebrate:
-Decorate the house with  pine cones, holly, ivy etc. Hang wreaths especially homemade ones. Not only will the place smell fresh but it "continues" life.
-If you have a fire place, burn a yule log. It represents the sun of course.
(How to make one)
-Gifts! Not the ones you buy but ones you make
-You can use this opportunity to teach . Many winter holidays such as Christmas are related to the solstice which is I appreciate most about the holiday. Also, teach about the earths tilt
-Eat & be merry. What's holiday without socialization?
-Enjoy the winter weather.
-Pledge to make the world a better place through charity, kindness etc. The beginning of the new sun is also the beginning of a new year!

Yule is a beautiful holiday & you don't even have to be Wiccan to celebrate! You just have to love culture, change, & celebration.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

One of the sad culture war battles

Macy's ,one of the most progressive stores on LGBT people, fired a San Antonio employee for violating the store's transgender policy.
Natalie Johnson, 27, had been watching a transgender woman check out the women's clothing section. When the customer went to enter the women's dressing room, Johnson denied her access saying "You're a man."
The customer's friends went to speak with the manager who informed Johnson of the store's policy & she  refused to comply. Johnson got fired & filed a complaint with the Federal Employment Commission claiming that she was fired because her religious beliefs won't recognize transgender people.

Representing her is the Liberty Counsel, one of those conservative right-wing christian groups (ugh), they hold that she was discriminated against, & that it's risky to let transwomen use the women's dressing room. "The LGBT agenda has become the theater of the absurd".

First off, It doesn't matter what Johnson's religious beliefs were, she discriminated against costumer & store policy. If she didn't like the store policy, then that's not the place for her to work at. She actually pushed her beliefs on others. (She also wants Macy's policy changed)
Second, this is something that transgenders have to deal with a lot. Men can't have anything to do with feminine things unless it's sexual. Transwomen must be "perverts". Transmen are "endangering" themselves. Transgenders are not a threat. We can't treat them like they are guilty until proven innocent.
As once said on LGBTQ nation, "the right-wingers are the theater of the absurd".

Friday, December 9, 2011


At Geneva, Switzerland on International Human Rights Day, U.S. secretary of State gave one of the most important speeches of history on LGBT rights.

She began her speech by speaking of the milestone of the creation of the Universal Deceleration of Human Rights. Noting the progress made by many governments since then in ending racism, sexism, & ethnocentrism, Clinton spoke of that major progress needs to be made on securing the rights of LGBT people. She also reminds the audience of the immense support & help that is being given to the global LGBT community.
"In many ways, they are an invisible minority"
I can't describe this comprehensively enough

Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't judge a show by it's religion?

Telenovelas are Latin American soap operas. Most of these shows are unrealistic, violent, & sex-infused (& a bit ethnocentric). This is one is a bit interesting.

La Rosa De Guadalupe (Rose of Guadalupe) is a weekly Mexican television series. Actually, in all honesty The show isn't really a telenovela since the episodes aren't connected to each other & they're far too tame.
It's more like a after-school special series! The episodes follow this formula:
1.A person or more is affected by a controversial issue (gang,bullying, abuse)
2.they later in desperation pray to the Virgin Mary,
3.a white rose materializes out of the heavens,
4. after a while they receive a revelation cued by wind on their closed eye faces & music
5. This empowers them to solve their problem & later a monologue is given on the issue.
Why did I find this interesting? It was because of a particular episode.

A middle schoolgirl is raped after school by a boy who she turned down for dating. She tells her mother & grandmother who try to get get justice for her. The way this girl is treated throughout the episode is awful. The prosecutor accuses her of lying at first & of "leading the boy on". Her classmates ,who are best described as callous harpies, call her a whore & shriek at her just for showing up to audition at a play.
Luckily, her best friend comforts & cheers her up. Without her, it would've been much worse.
The teacher is also first.

The girl discovers later she is pregnant. The mother & grandmother want her to get an abortion to not ruin her life. At this point, I thought "It is a catholic show, she'll choose life". The teacher is pro-life & tries to convince her to keep the baby. How? By scaring her & telling her lies about abortion such as saying she'll likely die! The doctor did however tell it's her choice & she did choose life. Her daughter grows up to be a great person & she does finally find peace after learning to move past her rape.

The pro-choice message the show send wasn't expected by me. It was far different then the Roman Catholic Church would approve. Better advice than "DON'T ABORT" which is more like a command. I hope this show keeps it's progressive approach. As it says "No one can make the decision but you"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why Nigeria continues to shame itself

This Tuesday, The Nigerian Senate has approved the passage of a law that would prohibit same-sex marriage, gay advocacy groups, & public displays of same-sex affection.

This law is clearly draconian & a violation of human rights but most Nigerians would not see that way. According to Nigeria's information for sexual & reproductive rights , an abysmal 1.4 % felt tolerant of sexual minorities. Those results wouldn't be hard to come by in several other African countries. Two-thirds have already criminalized homosexuality.

Nigerian newspaper This Day stated "“Homosexual and lesbian practices are considered offensive to public  morality in Nigeria. The… bill is crucial to our national development because it seeks to protect the traditional family, which is the fundamental unit of society, especially in our country,”“It will be difficult to import practices and lifestyles which are alien to our country and the majority of our people.”
A couple things I'm getting from this:
1. Locking up gay people will somehow advance your country. (It won't!)
2. Just allowing a group to exist will threaten another group's existence.
3. The minority should suffer at the will of the majority.

I mean really! Can they be that bigoted & ignorant? You only have to go to Nigerian blogs & see this type of garbage repeated again  & again in the comment section.
"Homosexuality is not in our culture no matter how civilised u want to sound" (more if you're masochistic)
Since when does cultural values mean you can take people's rights away?  It also doesn't help that this type of homophobia wasn't an Nigerian thing.
As Nigerian Blogger Chude Jideonwo points out  " people still declare with ignorance that "homosexuality is not a part of our culture", conveniently skimming over historical evidence of the practice in the East and North of the country; and blissfully unaware that the origins of homophobia in our societies can only be traced to the influx of foreign religions."

 But that won't change the views of  many. Nigeria is still a country where gay people are very afraid to come out & where violence & intimidation is socially sanctioned. We can hope that the rest of Africa (& the World) will take serious action to protect the rights of LGBT citizens. The international community and NGOs also have a role in pressuring countries to quit violating precious human rights.